Tarme smerter


If your digestive system is the troublemaker, there are different ways you can help yourself. In this section, you can read about possible reasons and exercises that can be of use, plus how to overcome sexual issues occurring due to bowel problems.

Remember to visit your doctor for a diagnosis, Which can involve a colonoscopy. You will be lying on one side. It is probably not as awkward as you might fear.


ntestines are most of all dependent on liquid, regular not too large meals, and frequent flushes.

Our bowel is stimulated by what we consume, how we feel, and the intestinal condition, i.e. infection or irritation.

It takes approximately 24 hours for food to pass through the system. On its way nutrition is decomposed and digested through a complex system of bacteria. The small intestine does most of the absorption. It is super effective. The rumbling sound is not a sign of hunger but the small intestine cleaning itself. The large intestine works a lot slower and absorbs the rest.

Intestinal rhythmic bowel movements take the contents through the colon and further into the rectum. When the rectum is bloated, it sends a reflex message about defecation. It is to some extent possible to suppress this message, by squeezing the pelvic floor.

If you suppress the gut’s natural rhythm, your bowel function might be reduced. That may lead to complications and maybe end up in incomplete emptying.  

Beware for holding back stool by use of the pelvic floor muscles: Constantly squeezing or tightening the pelvic muscles may lead to a static tension. Just like you might recognise from the neck and shoulder region. Furthermore – If you withhold it, you may get hard and knobbed stool and thereby difficulties passing it. Read more When Pelvic Muscles Cause Sexual Pain

What is Constipation?

Constipation is defined as hard or infrequent stools. The problem is extensive and can be very uncomfortable. Constipation can hide in loose stool, i.e. defecation that does not come out, sitting in the gut. It can cause bloating and flatulence smelling.

The most common explanations for generated stools are:

  • Irregular bowel habits. Maybe you have eaten differently, had other toilet or exercising habits, experienced pain
  • Improper diet composition; the optimum is to consume 20-30 grams of water-soluble fibers; it may be vegetables, oat grains, and legumes. Your diet must nourish the intestine’s bacteria for it to work optimally. Wrong diet such as candy may impact the flora negatively
  • You may have a bowel which is particularly sensitive to certain foods
  • Too little water. The intestine needs fluid regularly to send stool off
  • Too much liquid may cause very loose stool
  • A change in bacterial fauna. Maybe after use of antibiotics. Talk to your doctor as to how you gain the optimal flora
  • The intestine may have outpouchings that cause the faeces to accumulate
  • Medicines and dietary supplements can cause constipation
  • Nerves can be a player when it comes to constipation. If the bowel nerves register that things are out of order, they might block the system
  • Pelvic muscle tention

Talk with your doctor about diet, supplements and exercises.

Tips for your visit to the loo 

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