Smerten forsvinder


Even after your sexual pain subsides, it may take some time and experiment to find and develop your new sense of sexuality. Or maybe you will find out you won’t bother having sex. The last decision is very understandable. But make sure it is for the right reason. It might be tough going back to being sexually active –  it is possible, maybe even worth it.

When pain has diminished once again your body will begin to react to the sexual stimuli it considers positive. It’s possible they have changed during the time you have felt pain. You may not be aware of the gradual changes that your body has undergone. It might also be that your hormone balance has changed. These changes you might feel regarding lust, desire or poor lubrication abilities. 

Many women tend to glorify their memories of how good sex once was. Perhaps it was better, but maybe it was only better because they had fewer expectations regarding sexual pleasure. The senses are often more open and sensitive in the tentative beginnings of sexual activity, and the benchmark for what constitutes pleasure is lower than what it is later on.

Appreciate that you now have the ability to find out what you like and that you are able to express it. Use this opportunity and remember to keep your senses open and articulate when it comes to what you want on your journey to sex without pain.

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