Kend dig selv


Genitals come in countless shapes, sizes, and colours. Only Barbies have identical, mass-produced pelvises. Women’s vulvas are as different as faces. Yours is unique to you, just like a face or a fingerprint. Do you know what your vulva looks like?  

Since women have started removing their genital hair, awareness have raised on the appearance of the inner and outer labials. Let us once and for all state anatomically it is as usual to have larger inner labials as outer and the other way around. Facts are forgotten because female porn actors undergo an operation to show the penetration better. 

”The Ordinary” vulva

An increasing number of women and young girls are curious about cosmetic surgery of the vulva. These women hold the belief that if they surgically alter themselves, they are going to look like everyone else. The fact of the matter is that everyone is different. Differences are not bad, but provide variety in life.  And let us not forget that in Denmark cosmetic surgery of the vulva is forbidden according to § 245 A.

Surgery of Vulva and Vagina

Surgery carries the possibility of permanent damage. Some risks are essential to consider seeking vulvar cosmetic surgery. The surgery might be done for functional reasons, but in that case, women still ought to know the following.

Permanent swelling

The area around the vulva is tightly packed with small blood vessels. Their function is to ensure that blood can easily get to the area so that it can swell and the tissue may become soft and elastic. Surgery can cause difficulty in swelling or make it more difficult for swelling to subside. Some women who experience permanent swelling issues also experience pain and discomfort.

Nerve damage

The vulva is highly sensitive. When operating the tissue, there is a risk that nerves are cut, and sensitivity changed or reduced. Your sensitivity to touch, temperature, or pain could become heightened or dampened.

Scar tissue

There are differences in how individuals develop scar tissue. Some people heal without problems, and others form tight, significant scar tissue. Scar tissue may eventually pull surrounding skin together and make the scar crumpled and dented. Scar tissue can cause sensory disturbances, like pain and discomfort, and other nuisances, aside from a simple aesthetic difference.


As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection. Since genital cosmetic surgery occurs in such a delicate place, there might be inner and outer scar tissue close to the reproductive system.


Sometimes women will enter into a procedure only to find that although their appearance has changed, it still isn’t symmetric. Surgery cannot guarantee exactly how you will look after the procedure. People heal differently, so the outcome will vary from person to person.    

All vulvas are fine vulvas

What your vulva looks like, is you. Be proud of and embrace what you have. Surely your lover will do the same.  

The way your vulva looks is you. 

We do not intend to scare you off making up your mind. We only wish to encourage you to consider:

  1. If an operation will solve your challenge?
  2. If you can be satisfied with a permanent change, that might not live up to your expectation?
  3. If it is worth risking the joy and pleasure of wanting to be intimate with another person – or with yourself?

To quote Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love):

“Let me ask you something, in all the years that you have…undressed in front of a gentleman has he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out and left? No? It’s because he doesn’t care! He’s in a room with a naked girl; he just won the lottery. …”

No two are alike!

Inner lips can be more prominent or longer than the outer lips. The skin can be darker on the inner labia. Maybe your pubic hair is blonde. Perhaps you will shave it off. Perhaps you will not. The possibilities are endless.

Let us end the discussion with a Lovely little song